Captain Chaucer, leader of the prestigious organization known as SLACC (Secret League of Agents for the Containment of Crimes), has organized a banquet welcoming all his newest recruits (that's you)! But when a crucial piece of intelligence goes missing, and an agent winds up dead, the crew fears that there may be a double agent in their midst! As SLACC's newest recruit, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help the agents discover who's behind these crimes before they're able to make their escape! And remember, time is of the essence. Join us for a delicious meal prepared by Rialto's own Theresa Paladino. Menu: Pork tenderloin, seasoned potatoes, baked apples, and Creme Brulee for dessert. This meal is gluten-free; please get in touch with [email protected] for any special dietary needs
Six misfit children volunteer to star in their town's Sunday school Christmas pageant and end up teaching the town the true meaning of Christmas. Tickets are $15 per person. Group rates are available by calling our box office at 501-288-9259